Too Young for That? – Mommy Blogger


Too Young for That? – Mommy Blogger


My name is Christine.  I am a stay at home mom with three children. Two rowdy boys age six and age four and my precious girl age two.  I am very busy with school, crafts, trying not to go crazy and keeping up with three wild tornado children.  I can say I have experienced almost everything when it comes to little ones BUT just when I think I’m an expert my children show me I KNOW NOTHING!! All I can do is take each day as it comes and share with you what I have learnt and hope it can help out another parent.  Enjoy!

Hey! I want to talk to about something that may make you uncomfortable, so…(I’ll whisper it) MASTURBATION!

Having two little boys and I can tell you I have seen my fair share of penises.  Boys and girls are going to play with their parts.  It’s going to happen! BUT! There is a time and a place for them to explore their little bodies.  It can be frustrating when your little one is sitting on the couch playing with their penis or vagina.  Do you yell? Do you laugh? What is the right way to deal with this?  I definitely do not want to embarrass my children or make them feel wrong or dirty because masturbation is VERY normal and it’s OK! But my children need to know that when they have the urge to play with themselves they should take it into the bedroom or private area.  I think talking to them about what it is they are doing is healthy.  My kids understand that their penises are their private area, and even though they like what they are doing with it, it needs not be done on my living room couch in front of their grandparents.

If you’re finding that your child is constantly wanting to masturbate (which is totally normal) set limits on it, like a few times a week or just for bedtime.  When my boys started to explore their bodies around the age of two, I would try to redirect their behavior with toys or a game.  I was getting frustrated, pulling their hands off or out of their pants and saying “why are you doing that? You’re too little for that”!  I was so embarrassed especially in public or when there was other family around.  I was very concerned so I decided to do a little research and found that there is a lot of wonderful information on this subject.  I took what worked for me and my kids.  Sometimes parents can get excited and yell because of lack of sleep, food or caffeine.   Keep your cool when it comes to this, you don’t want to start a war with your child for doing something that is ok and feels good.  It’s a battle that we as parents WILL lose. It doesn’t do our children any good for shaming them for a natural behaviour. If you’re concerned about your child masturbating or you’re finding your child is really playing with themselves, talk to your family physician there may be something wrong, like an infection or a little cut from their fingernails.  Be open with them.  We can sense when something is wrong with our kids and your gut is usually right.

My boys are finally at the age where they understand what they are doing and understand that masturbation is ok, within reason.  Everyone is going to deal with this situation in their own way, but don’t let it stress you out!  Take each day as it comes and be open and honest with yourself and your kids because masturbation is not the end of the world!

Much love! Christine.





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